We have three certification options:

Legal Plus Package

Ideal for clients with LEGAL issues. This is an add on service to either the Big Kahuna or the A La Carte Service. Additional Bebefits include: 1) Immediate duplicate hand signed PDF certification 2) a professionally drafted letter addressed to any legal entity you choose, whether it's a judge, lawyer, or parole officer - clearly conveying your medical needs. 3) you'll enjoy unlimited communication between Dr.CertifySal420 and any legal entity involved in your case. 4) for a more comprehensive evaluation we offer you a Video Conferencing Appointment with a face-to-face interaction to make sure all of your needs are met.


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Whether you have a question about our services, need assistance with your certification, or just want to share your experience with us, we're here to listen. Fill out our contact form today and let us help you on your journey to better health and wellness!

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